Please select the link to the left for the certificate or form that you require.
For those planning their wedding:
Catholic Christians must obtain a new, recently dated baptismal certificate, which means a new certificate must be written up within six (6) months of your wedding date. (Original copies of the baptismal certificate are not acceptable.) Select and complete "Request a New Baptismal Certificate" from the left if you were Baptized at St. Kilian's. If you were Baptized at another parish, you should request a new Baptismal certificate from that parish.Godparent of Sponsor Application
If you have been selected as a Godparent of Sponsor, you will need a completed Godparent or Sponsor Application. Those Baptized at St. Kilian's should bring competed forms to the rectory for certification. Those not Baptized at St. Kilian's should return forms certified by the parish of their Baptism to St. Kilian’s no later than two weeks prior to the date of the Baptism or Confirmation.