Office 516.694.0633
Fax 516.454.8612
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 9am-3pm
Monday & Thursday to 7pm when in session
Saturday 9am-10:30am when in session
First Holy Communion is the second of the three Sacraments of Initiation (with Baptism and Confirmation) which complete an individual's membership to the Catholic Community. The Sacrament of the Eucharist is commonly called First Holy Communion and celebrates the real presence of Christ in the bread, wine, and gathered community.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation, preceding First Communion, is one of the most enriching experiences in the lives of Catholics. Reconciliation is a time of healing and reconciling that invites all to experience God’s love and forgiveness through the actions of the priest.
The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the ritual, sacramental action of giving thanks and praise to the Father. Together we bring ourselves to the altar to share in the sacrificial memorial of Christ. As the symbolic gifts of bread and wine are brought to the altar – we give ourselves in love, and together become the Body of Christ.
Children’s preparation for first reception of the Eucharist begins in the home. Children who participate with their family in the Mass, experience the Eucharistic mystery in an initial way. Parents have the right and the duty to be involved in preparing their child for First Communion. Therefore, catechesis offered must also help parents grow in their own understanding and appreciation of the Eucharistic act of giving ourselves in love at the altar and truly becoming the Body of Christ. After receiving this sacrament, we are sent forth to “be” the Body of Christ for others. Catechesis should be lifelong for all.
First Penance and First Holy Communion require 2 years of preparation including levels 1 and 2.
First Communion fee is $100. Click here to make payment.